Friday, September 12, 2008

The Solar ECONOMY Arrives...

Great balls of fire! Today Globe Solar had its first Solar Hot Water Systems display at the Albion Mall in Etobicoke, Toronto. Over the course of four hours we probably had 20 people stop to look at our display and ask questions about our product and how it would work in their home and why they should consider making the investment...
Upon returning home I found that my copy of "The Solar Economy" by Dr. Herman Scheer had arrived. How auspicious! Some great info in the first few pages includes...

"The fossil fuel chain can never be truly efficient. The short supply chains of renewable energy sources provide the real key to future efficiency gains. This is the new paradigm...."

"There can be no environmental revolution in energy supply without creative destruction in the existing energy industry. Renewable energy, correctly understood must supplant fossil primary energy and the infrastructure and businesses that supply it. Sunlight and wind are supplied by nature FREE of charge!...."


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