Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fossil Fools and Pyromaniacs

Last week, PRYRO-MANIC number one, George Bush stepped up to the mic with squinty eyes and a slimy smirk. He turned his cheerful countenance to the camera and said: ”I regret to inform you… but some of the largest investment banks in American have just crashed and burned. No need to worry though folks, we have a plan to bail ‘em out. "

One could almost hear the whine of giant printing presses revving up their motors in the background, out behind the white house, fueled by the last hours of ancient sunlight purchased in a backroom hedge fund deal from a giant global energy company, no doubt, through a speculator who worked for the Lehman Brothers.

The TIME has come to speak of many things, of cabbages and KINGS… but for George W… the TIME has come to print some more funny money! In the eyes of enlightened beings, President Bush is just another lost salesman wandering around in the Texan countryside. The human race is not Enlightenment, having severed its relationship with the sun, many moons ago. Humans remain as fossil fools buying the latest “bailout” story hook, line and sinker.

We have all co-created this reality. It is our own collective nightmare. Bush and you and I will all have the pleasure over the next decade of watching the greatest circus tent on earth slowly collapse.

Was there a time on this planet when we are free from the concerns of our pesky 401 K's and mutual fund investments? According to philosophers there was but no one can remember those days – that requires switching the channel.

The days of yore are like a Disney movie in which the lush, green forests are filled with golden sunlight. The next shot zooms in on a fine young maiden who is perfectly at ease in its sanctuary. Suddenly she bursts into song and we are reminded that the Hills are alive with the sound of music….. With songs they have sung for a million years….

Yes folks, it was thousands of years ago that we started on this collective journey to create complex civilizations. We have achieved great heights. We crawled out of the cave, learnt how to make a fire, invented the wheel, engaged in war and politics and we have been unstoppable ever since. One ancient orator recited “ I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the Colossus of the Sun, and the huge labour of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, 'Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on aught so grand.'

All these wonders, except the Pyramids, were destroyed by the quaking of the earth. Why? It appears that when we reach a certain level of collective negative mental energy focusing on the deceptions of WAR we are simply wiped off the face of the earth…

We never seem to learn our lesson. So the karmic wheel turns again. Humans pay no mind to the idea that positive energy alone is the key to life. In modern times, the sun has turned stale. We turned our eyes away from the sky and began to dig like dogs in the dirt for a bone. Like mad pirates we dug for a hidden treasure on the western plains. We found Pandora’s Box, rummaged around for easy energy and instant cash and opened up a limited stash of stored energy. On her dime we created more wonders while ignoring the eastern concept of karmic debt. After plundering her reserves we expect she who is the Beloved of the Sun to take it lying down: ignoring the old adage that “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.”

But wait, you say, what about my investments…is my money safe in the bank?

Never mind, I reply, did you know that the first oil was drilled in China, 347 years after the death of Christ, by means of long bamboo poles with bits attached to them?

The Buck stops here, folks. For the past 100 years we collectively believe that science and technology has created the greatest industrial civilization ever. Smug, we think we are the masters of this universe. Worshiping science and technology we are the champions. We have the scientific intelligence to solve all problems. We are not fools. There is nothing funny about our mission to save the world and liberate all nations thru democratic capitalism. Why, even the Chinese have embraced the notion of capital….

But what about the money, honey?

Money is a form of energy. Today the energy of the sun has little more influence in our minds than a 40 watt light bulb. In ancient times, Energy was human labour backed by the greatest investment source of all: the SUN! And guess what - the sun sent no bills! Then we struck oil, the embodied energy of our ancestors and for over a hundred years it has gushed forth a bloody stream of wealth untold...who cared about bills?

Now a thick cloud of smoke hangs over our collective memories while the clock on the wall ticks and talks about credit card debt, collective debt, national debt, global debt and oh, yeah the price of home heating oil and gas at the pump. The smoke fills our eyes…We can no longer see the forest - for the trees have been cut down to make chopsticks to eat exotic fruits imported from lands far away.

The sun has been blotted out by the pollution from industrial smoke stacks that gave us trains, planes and automobiles. Now we are heavily invested in the electronic age, connected in a world wide web dominated by pyromaniacs hell bent on burning ever greater amounts of fossil fuels for as long as they possibly can.

We have been informed by the wise that we have reach maximum oil production and are now on the way back down the slippery slope of ignorance, confusion, chaos and more war. It is an online video game of “dog eat dog” where the battle for the last drop of black gold consumes all our mental energy. Peak oil means that we have eaten all the oil we can produce in the western world. Food wars have begun in the south while we continue our great white commute in the north. All supply chains are fuelled by oil including food stuffs like wheat and dairy. Millions are starving, millions more made homeless due to chain of endless natural disasters we see daily on CNN. Mother earth is striking back some say. The Enlightened know she is simply tired of all the negative energy.

People, the great cosmic joke is in full effect and the laughter ripples across the universe. The Enlightened ones smile and pose the last Zen Koan:

How many humans does it take to change the world?

A Common sense answer might be that if we unite in peace and abandon war we can change the world.

The Enlightened Ones say softly:


Know O man, Know O woman, that Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal. The SUN is the symbol of light that shines at the end of the road. He or she who has the sun in his or her face, in his or her body, is the pure aristocrat. He who has the sun in his breast and the moon in his belly, he is the first, the aristocrat of aristocrats, supreme in the aristocracy of life. Because she is the most alive! He who is the most alive is KING, whether we admit it or not, in the face of the endless energy of the golden sun.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Solar ECONOMY Arrives...

Great balls of fire! Today Globe Solar had its first Solar Hot Water Systems display at the Albion Mall in Etobicoke, Toronto. Over the course of four hours we probably had 20 people stop to look at our display and ask questions about our product and how it would work in their home and why they should consider making the investment...
Upon returning home I found that my copy of "The Solar Economy" by Dr. Herman Scheer had arrived. How auspicious! Some great info in the first few pages includes...

"The fossil fuel chain can never be truly efficient. The short supply chains of renewable energy sources provide the real key to future efficiency gains. This is the new paradigm...."

"There can be no environmental revolution in energy supply without creative destruction in the existing energy industry. Renewable energy, correctly understood must supplant fossil primary energy and the infrastructure and businesses that supply it. Sunlight and wind are supplied by nature FREE of charge!...."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday night at ONE X ONE people of Toronto were treated to a Stellar preformances by Wyclef Jean and child prodogy.... Nikki. Accompanied by the children of the Sun....the African Children's Choir, Nikki burst onto the scene in a dress the color of the sun in a child's painting. A sunbeam incarnate, 14 year old Nikki opened the ONE X ONE fundraiser with a rendition of "God Bless the Child". The girl sings like a seasoned blues singer, with all the staggering intensity and energy of a great field of sunlight. Wyclef said it best "like a woman whose heart has been broken". . For details check the ONE X ONE site for pictures from the event and mark it on your calendar for next year!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Launch of the All things Solar Blog!

September 7, 2008 marks the launch of the "all things Solar Blog" for Solar Mamas and Papas in Toronto, across Canada and around the World! The purpose of this blog is to engage in musings on the emerging new economy of Solar Energy, its implications, history and future! Ideally both men and woman will post their thoughts and comments on a subject as vast as the sun itself! Always keeping mind, of course, the children and their children and their children for seven generations hence...